5 Minutes to Survive The Zombies | Behind the Development #1 - Translation system and how it works.


You are probably all wondering how our translation system works in 5 Minutes to Survive The Zombies, so I will make a small presentation with a tutorial. Certainly, special thanks are due to Lean Localization, which has basically laid the whole foundation. I recommend it highly. So... let's start the explanation.

Everything begins in the game code:

So, as you can see in the screenshot above, there is a simple loop that checks if translation file name has brackets with a language in it (for ex. "(English)", "(Polish)", so it should always look like *(Language_Here)*). Also, it checks the actual Unity scene, so you better prepare files for every scene, and every file needs to have a ".txt" extension. The best solution is presented down below.

Data0 - Game Files:

The scheme is: "(LANGUAGE) SCENE NAME".txt. I have already created an example file called "(Pirate) Main Menu.txt" for the purpose of this tutorial. Unfortunately, our game can only allow for one translation at a time in the options menu. In game, just click on Other to change it and type anything in brackets (it doesn't matter for now). There is another way of course, you can for ex. change an existing language file (though modifying the game's files is not recommended).

Main Menu - Change Language to Other:

Note: if you change language before changing the text files, English will be loaded.
Let's do it now. Let's change the text in (Pirate) MainMenu.txt, but first we need to copy everything from "(English) MainMenu.txt" file 

As you can see, I changed "TitleButton1" and "DescriptionButton1" from "NEW GAME" and "SURVIVE, AGAIN" to "START THE SHIPO", "ARGGH!" (that's normal, isn't it?). After that, all you need to do is change your language in the Options menu and voilà!

English language version:

Pirate language version (text is a little cut off):

And here is one of the default languages, Polish - which looks like this:


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